Bethany Hicks

Bethany Hicks is a prophetic trainer, author and psalmist who is Co-Founder of Prophetic Company. She is known as a strong communicator who releases passion and grace for people to embrace their world-changer identity. Having ministered on six continents, Bethany enjoys training and activating thousands in the biblical gift of prophecy.


Additionally, she carries a strong leadership gift and has served in various capacities such as musician, singer, songwriter, and Worship Director for multiple churches over the last 20 years.

Bethany currently resides in Round Rock, TX with her family.

Resources by Bethany

Own Your Assignment

Every woman, no matter her culture, ethnicity, age, or station in life, is called to own the assignment of mothering world changers.

Now is the time for the voice of the kingdom mother to arise and take her place in the family of God. Now is the time to own your assignment.


The God Connection

God's desire from the creation of the earth is to have regular and intimate connection with those He loves--you and me. God never intended for us to live a life without full access to His voice, but we often dismiss the voice of God because we think that we are "making it up" or we live unaware of the many ways that God speaks. The truth is, every human being has been hardwired in their spirit, soul and body, to regularly and consistently connect with God.


Teachings By Bethany

The Power of Prophetic Innovation

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Three Keys to Discovering Your Heavenly Identity
(message begins 59:20)

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Contact Bethany Here